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Date |
Speaker/ Affiliation |
Topic (link to abstract) |
Dec 20 Wednesday 12:00 PM |
Alexander Shnirman University of Karlsruhe |
Geometrical Spin Dephasing in Quantum Dots |
Dec 14 12:30 PM |
Liano Wu University of Toronto |
Quantum Phase Transitions, Entanglment and Density Functional Theory |
Dec 7 12:30 PM |
Philippe Jacquod Associate Professor of Physics, University of Arizona |
A Semiclassical Theory of Decoherence |
Nov 30 12:30 PM |
James Hartle University of California |
Negative Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics |
Nov 16 12:30 PM |
Peter W. Milonni T-Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Quantum Imaging |
Nov 9 12:30 PM |
Paul Berman University of Michigan |
Collective Excitations and Spin Squeezing in Simple Quantum Systems |
Nov 2 12:30 PM |
Nan Yu Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology |
Atom Interferometry in Space for Fundamental Science and Practical Applications |
Oct 26 12:30 PM |
Vladan Vuletic Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Single and Twin Photons from Many Entangled Atoms |
Oct 19 12:30 PM |
Mark W. Keller Quantum Electrical Metrology Division, NIST/Boulder |
Examination of the Charge Quantum in a Single-Electron Pump |
Oct 16 Monday 10:30 AM |
David Poulin CalTech |
Iterative Decoding of Quantum Error Correcting Codes |
Oct 5 12:30 PM |
Scott Crane US Naval Observatory (USNO) |
Towards a Continously Operating Atomic Fountain Clock |
Sept 28 12:30 PM |
Danna Rosenberg P-21, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Quantum Key Distribution with Decoy Levels |
Sept 14 12:30 PM |
David Hall Amherst College |
Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates |
Sept 7 12:30 PM |
Jennifer Strabley NIST |
A Double Well Optical Lattice for Dynamically Manipulating Pairs of Cold Atoms |
Aug 31 12:30 PM |
Howard Barnum CCS-3, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Part 2 of 2 - A Mini-Course on the Aharonov-Jones-Landau Algorithm for Approximating the Jones Polynomial |
Aug 24 12:30 PM |
Howard Barnum CCS-3, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Part 1 of 2 -A Mini-Course on the Aharonov-Jones-Landau Algorithm for Approximating the Jones Polynomial |
Aug 17 12:30 PM |
Michael Revzen Technion- Isreal Institute of Technology |
Factorization and Physical Representations |
Aug 3 12:30 PM |
Vadium Smelyanskiy NASA Ames Research Center |
Quantum Annealing for optimization problems on random graphs |
July 27 12:30 PM |
Daniel Lidar University of Southern California |
Adiabaticity in open quantum systems: theory and applications to adiabatic quantum computation and geometric phases |
July 20 12:30 PM |
Seth Lloyd MIT |
Quantum Gravity from Quantum Computation: Applications |
July 19 Wednesday 12:30 PM |
Daniel James University of Toronto |
Whither Quantum Computing |
July 13 12:30 PM |
Dr. Andrew Childs California Institute of Technology |
From Optimal State Estimation to Efficient Quantum Algorithms |
July 11 12:30 PM |
Alex Kuzmich Georgia Institute of Technology |
Quantum Networking with Atoms and Photons |
June 29 12:30 PM |
Dr. Signe Seidelin University of Southern California |
From an Ox Cart to a Covered Wagon: Efforts Toward Controlling More Trapped-ion Quantum Bits* |
June 8 12:30 PM |
Kevin Henderson University of Texas at Austin |
Experiments with a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Quasi-1D Waveguide |
June 1 12:30 PM |
Luming Duan University of Michigan |
Probabilistic Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation of Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Atoms |
May 25 12:30 PM |
Steven Girvin Yale University |
Strong Coupling Cavty QED and Sperconducting Qubits |
May 23 12:30 PM Tuesday |
Sergey Bravyi IBM Watson Research Center |
Computational Complexity of Spin Hamiltonian Problems |
May 18 12:30 PM |
Eduardo Mucciolo University of Central Florida |
Berry Phase Oscillations of the Kondo Effect in Single-molecule Magnets |
May 11 1:00 PM |
Matthew Hastings Los Alamos National Laboratory (T-13) |
Lieb-Schultz-Mattis in Higher Dimensions |
May 9 1:00 PM Tuesday |
Matt Leifer Perimeter Institute |
A Causal Network Formalism for Quantum Information |
May 4 12:30 PM |
Benjamin Lev JILA |
Cavity QED with Atom Chips and Micro-Resonators |
May 3 3:30 PM Wednesday |
Joseph M. Traub Columbia University Noyce Conference Room Santa Fe Institute 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa FE |
Qubit Complexity of Continuous Problems |
May 2 2:00 PM Tuesday |
Peter Schwindt National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Chip-Scale Automic Magnetometers |
April 27 12:30 PM |
Mark Raizen University of Texas at Austin |
Experiments with a "Particle in a Box": Bose Einstein Condensates and Maxwell's Demon |
April 20 12:30 PM |
Carlton Caves University of New Mexico |
GHZ Correlations are Just a Bit Nonlocal |
April 18 12:30 PM Tuesday |
Chris Langer National Institute of Standards and Technology |
High fidelity quantum information processing with ions |
April 13 12:30 PM |
Francesco Intravaia Postdam University |
Casimir Effect And Interaction Between Surface Plasmons |
April 11 1:00 PM Tuesday |
Matt Leifer Perimeter Institute |
A Causal Network Formalism for Quantum Information |
April 6 12:30 PM |
Raymond Laflamme University of Waterloo |
Quantum Information A Promise for Revolution In Information Processing |
March 30 12:30 PM |
Randy Hulet Rice University |
Paring and Phase Separation in a Polarized Fermi Gas |
March 23 1:00 PM |
Thad Walker University of Wisconsin at Madison |
Quantum Manipulations Using Rydberg Atoms |
March 9 12:30 PM |
Nikolay Prokofiev University of Massachusetts |
How can superfluidity occur in a crystalline solid: He-4 superglass |
March 2 12:30 PM |
Ken R. Brown Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Quantum Simulations of Physical Systems |
Feb 23 12:30 PM |
Dirk Bouwmeester Department of Physics, Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California |
Entangled photons, solid-state cavity QED, and the quest for macroscopic quantum superpositions |
Feb 22 1:00 PM |
Pasquale Sodano Dipartimento di Fisica e Sezione I.N.F.N., Universita di Perugia, Italy |
Quantum Macroscopic Coherence and(/or) Topological Order in Josephson Junction Networks. |
Feb 9 12:30 PM |
Michael G. Moore Ohio University |
Deterministic, Long-Distance Teleportation of Atomic Qubits Via Optical Interferometry |
Feb 2 12:30 PM |
Krzysztof Sacha Jagellonian University, Poland |
N-particle Bogoliubov vacuum state |
Jan 13 1:00 PM |
Francesco DeMartini Dipartimento de Fisica, Universita "La Sapienza" Italy |
Realization of a Decoherence-free Mesoscopic Quantum Superposition |
Jan 12 12:30 PM |
Maria Luisa Chiofalo Scuola Normale Superiore |
Equilibrium and nonequilibrium phenomena in the BCS-BEC crossover of atomic Fermi gases. |