2010 WorkshopLANL Quantum WorkshopThe LANL Quantum Initiative and CNLS are sponsoring a Laboratory-wide workshop on Quantum Science and Technology. Here are the details and more information:
The workshop's purpose is to update those interested in quantum research at the Laboratory on recent accomplishments, discuss future directions, and initiate new collaborations. We hope that all research relevant to quantum entanglement and quantum coherence conducted in and around the Lab will be represented. Current research thrusts of the Quantum Initiative include quantum information theory, quantum communications, sensing with quantum systems, quantum control, and quantum many-body physics. The day-long program will consist of nine talks, along with a poster session which will run over an extended lunch break to provide ample time for discussion. Poster presenters will be able to present a two-minute "advertisement" for their poster in an oral session immediately before the posters. Talks will be a combination of invited presentations and topics drawn from the poster submissions. Please submit title and author list to quantumworkshop10@lanl.gov by April 9 at the latest. Please register your intention to attend with an email to quantumworkshop10@lanl.gov by April 16. There is no registration fee. Deadlines
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