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Quantum Institute : 2018 Quantum Lunch Seminar Schedule


Quantum Initiative: Quantum Lunch

The Quantum Lunch is regularly held on Thursdays in the Theoretical Division Conference Room, TA-3, Building 123, Room 121.

The organizing committee includes Malcolm Boshier (P-21), Lukasz Cincio (T-4), Diego Dalvit (T-4), Changhyun Ryu (P-21) , Nikolai Sinitsyn (T-4), Rolando Somma (T-4), Yigit Subasi (T-4), Christopher Ticknor (T-1), and Wojciech Zurek (T-4).

For more information, or to nominate a speaker, contact Yigit Subasi or Lukasz Cincio.

To add your name to the Quantum Lunch email list, contact Kacy Hopwood.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Speaker: Nan Yu (JPL, Caltech)

Technical Host: Xinxin Zhao

TOPIC: Science Quests with Quantum Atomic Sensors in Space

Space provides a unique experimental environment to explore fundamental physics with precision measurement tools of atomic clocks and quantum sensors. With the NASA Cold Atom Laborato-ry (CAL) being launched into space on ISS, an era of atom interferometry in space begins for the most fundamental science quests. In this talk, we will describe two space experiment concepts for fundamental physics measurements. The first experiment is the Quantum Test of Equivalence and Space Time in which dual species interferometers are used to test the universality of free fall to better than one part per 1015. The second experiment uses multi-loop atom interferometer for search of dark energy Chameleon fields that is capable of detecting the field or ruling out the Chameleon model entirely.

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