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Quantum Institute : 2018 Quantum Lunch Seminar Schedule


Quantum Initiative: Quantum Lunch

The Quantum Lunch is regularly held on Thursdays in the Theoretical Division Conference Room, TA-3, Building 123, Room 121.

The organizing committee includes Malcolm Boshier (P-21), Lukasz Cincio (T-4), Diego Dalvit (T-4), Changhyun Ryu (P-21) , Nikolai Sinitsyn (T-4), Rolando Somma (T-4), Yigit Subasi (T-4), Christopher Ticknor (T-1), and Wojciech Zurek (T-4).

For more information, or to nominate a speaker, contact Yigit Subasi or Lukasz Cincio.

To add your name to the Quantum Lunch email list, contact Amanda Martinez.

Thursday, October 11, 2018
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Speaker: Michael Geller (University of Georgia)

Technical Host: Andrew Sornborger

TOPIC: Online quantum computing

The operation of real quantum computers, including the implementation and characterization of a given quantum circuit or algorithm, has until recently been carried out exclusively by the experimental groups that design and make the hardware. However IBM, Rigetti, and Alibaba have recently opened their superconducting chips to the research community, and Google and IonQ have announced similar plans. The field is approaching a transition where a significant amount of quantum computing research and development can be performed online. An online presence is especially important now because there are critical questions facing the realization of quantum computers that benefit from wide community input and experimentation. In this talk I'll give an overview of our online quantum computing research, and discuss recent work on the Josephson sampler circuit (M. R. Geller, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 024052), used to embed classical information into a chain of qubits, and on the measurement of the relative robustness of two families of entangled states, GHZ states and linear cluster states (A. Katabarwa and M. R. Geller, 1808.05203). I'll also discuss opportunities for interesting future work on error measurement and modeling.

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