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Quantum Institute : 2016 Quantum Lunch Seminar Schedule


  • Coordinator
    Sebastian Deffner
  • Quantum Lunch Location:
    T-Division Conference Room, TA-3,
    Building 123, Room 121

Quantum Institute: Visitor Schedule

The Quantum Lunch is regularly held on Thursdays in the Theoretical Division Conference Room, TA-3, Building 123, Room 121.

The organizing committee includes Malcolm Boshier (P-21), Diego Dalvit (T-4), Michael Di Rosa (C-PCS), Sebastian Deffner (T-4 & CNLS), Changhyun Ryu (P-21) , Nikolai Sinitsyn (T-4), Rolando Somma (T-4), Christopher Ticknor (T-1), and Wojciech Zurek (T-4).

For more information, or to nominate a speaker, contact Sebastian Deffner.

To add your name to the Quantum Lunch email list, contact Kacy Hopwood.

Tuesday July 5, 2016
2:30PM - 3:30PM

T-DO Conference Room (TA-03, Bldg 123)

Speaker: Adolfo del Campo (University of Massachusetts, Boston)

Technical Host: Wojciech Zurek

TOPIC: Rhapsody on a theme of Kibble and Zurek

Across a continuous phase transition, the relaxation time diverges and the breakdown of adiabaticty is unavoidable. In such scenario, the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) describes the dynamics of symmetry breaking. KZM dictates that density of excitations scales as a universal power-law of the quench time, and slow driving is needed to approach the adiabatic limit. I shall report recent results concerning the universal dynamics across quantum phase transitions. In particular, I shall report the recent experimental test of KZM in the transverse-field quantum Ising chain using a quantum simulator [1] and the emergence of noise-induced anti-Kibble-Zurek behavior [2].

[1] Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Zhao Wang, Dong-Yang Cao, Jian Wang, Wei-Min Lv, Yong Lu, Le Luo, Adolfo del Campo, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Supporting Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Quantum Ising Model through a Trapped Ion, arXiv:1505.05734

[2] A. Dutta, A. Rahmani, A. del Campo, Anti-Kibble-Zurek Scaling in Crossing the Quantum Critical Point of a Thermally Isolated System Driven by a Noisy Control Field, arXiv:1605.01062

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