- Coordinator
Adolfo del Campo
Quantum Lunch Location:
T-Division Conference Room, TA-3,
Building 123, Room 121
Quantum Institute: Visitor Schedule
The Quantum Lunch is regularly held on Thursdays in the Theoretical Division Conference Room, TA-3, Building 123, Room 121.
The organizing committee includes Malcolm Boshier (P-21), Adolfo del Campo (T-4 & CNLS), Michael Di Rosa (C-PCS), Armin Rahmanisisan (T-4 & CNLS), Changhyun Ryu (P-21) , Nikolai Sinitsyn (T-4), Rolando Somma (T-4), Christopher Ticknor (T-1), and Wojciech Zurek (T-4).
For more information, or to nominate a speaker, contact Adolfo del Campo.
To add your name to the Quantum Lunch email list, contact Ellie Vigil.
Thursday January 30, 2014
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Speaker: Chris Laumann (Harvard University)
Technical Host: Cristian Batista
TOPIC: Many-body localization with dipoles
Statistical mechanics is the framework that connects thermodynamics to the microscopic world. It hinges on the assumption of equilibration; when equilibration fails, so does much of our understanding.
In isolated quantum systems, this breakdown is captured by the phenomenon known as many-body localization.
This breakdown manifests in a variety of ways, as elucidated by much recent theoretical and numerical work. Many-body localized phases violate Ohm's law and Fourier's law as they conduct neither charge nor heat; they can exhibit symmetry breaking and/or topological orders in dimensions normally forbidden by Mermin-Wagner arguments; they hold potential as strongly interacting quantum computers due to the slow decay of local coherence.
In this talk, I will briefly introduce the basic phenomena of many-body localization and review its theoretical status. To date, none of these phenomena has been observed in an experimental system, in part because of the isolation required to avoid thermalization. I will consider several dipolar systems which we believe to be ideal platforms for the realization of MBL phases and for investigating the associated delocalization phase transition. The presence of strong interactions in these systems underlies their potential for exploring physics beyond that of single particle Anderson localization. However, the power law of the dipolar interaction immediately raises the question: can localization in real space persist in the presence of such long-range interactions?
I will review and extend several arguments producing criteria for localization in the presence of power laws and present small-scale numerics regarding the MBL transition in several of the proposed dipolar systems.
Associated preprint:
N. Yao, CRL, S. Gopalakrishnan, M. Knap, M. Mueller, E. Demler., M. Lukin arXiv:1311.7151