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Quantum Institute : 2010 Quantum Lunch Seminar Schedule


  • Coordinator
    Diego Dalvit
  • Quantum Lunch Location:
    T-Division Conference Room, TA-3,
    Building 123, Room 121

Quantum Institute: Visitor Schedule

The Quantum Lunch is regularly held on Thursdays in the Theoretical Division Conference Room, TA-3, Building 123, Room 121.
For more information, contact Diego Dalvit.
To add your name to the Quantum Lunch email list, contact Charlotte Lehman

Thursday, January 21, 2010
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Speaker: Steven Johnson (MIT)

Technical Host: Diego Dalvit

TOPIC: Universal Descriptions of Resonant Processes, from Linear Optical Filters to Nonlinear Frequency Conversion

Any process involving weakly coupled optical resonators (or any other kind of resonator) with a finite number of input/output channels can be described by a technique known as temporal coupled-mode theory (TCMT) that has its origins in 1960s but has recently blossomed to new levels of generality. Unlike many other perturbative methods with similar names, TCMT aims to provide a universal description of a generic class of devices, rather than a specific solution for a particular device. In this way, it illuminates common principles in very different designs, and reveals the underlying physical possibilities. This seminar will provide an introduction and review of this powerful technique, underscoring its versatility and the many applications to which it has been put over the years, from microwave filters to extraordinary transmission through subwavelength slits. We will also present new results for nonlinear frequency conversion in multi-resonant devices. When there is a resonance at each frequency present in a nonlinear interaction (such as harmonic generation), it can not only boost efficiency (to quantum-limited levels) but also introduces new types of nonlinear dynamics (from multistability to self-pulsing) that are not present in a singly resonant or non-resonant device.

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