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Quantum Institute : 2008 Quantum Lunch Seminar Schedule


  • Coordinator
    Diego Dalvit
  • Quantum Lunch Location:
    T-Division Conference Room, TA-3,
    Building 123, Room 121

Quantum Institute: Visitor Schedule

The Quantum Lunch is regularly held on Thursdays in the Theoretical Division Conference Room, TA-3, Building 123, Room 121.
For more information, contact Diego Dalvit.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Speaker: William Wootters, Williams College

Technical Host: Wojciech Zurek

TOPIC: The Entanglement Cost of a Nonlocal Measurement

For a joint measurement on a pair of spatially separated quantum objects, one can ask how much entanglement is needed to carry out the measurement exactly, using only local operations and classical communication. In this talk I focus on a particular orthogonal measurement on two qubits with partially entangled eigenstates, for which we can find upper and lower bounds on the entanglement cost. The lower bound implies that the entanglement required to perform the measurement is strictly greater than the average entanglement of the eigenstates. I also consider a closely related eight-outcome measurement for which we can compute the cost exactly. Even though these two measurements are very similar, their costs are quite different, raising a question as to what characteristics of the relationships among the states of a quantum measurement determine its cost.

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